When it comes to Anime Girls, there are many different types of characters in the anime world including cute girls, sexy girls and even evil girls. This tutorial is made to help you draw any of these types of characters. At first it may be hard for you to draw all these types of characters because there is a lot of different things that you can do to make them look good. It is hard to know which one is the best way to draw them so lets get started!

Step 1: Eras for Drawing Anime Girls

anime girl head shape drawing

Before I start drawing an anime girl, I like to start off with the face first. I find that if you don’t put too much detail in the face at first it will limit how much detail you can put in later. When you first start drawing anime girls, I always draw the face first because I find it is easier to add details later then it is to try and make the face look good at first.

Step 2: Start With a Simple Head

anime girl face drawing

I like to start off with a simple head for my anime girls. I never like to start off with everything detailed because it is usually harder for me to make the entire character look good. That is one of the reasons why I prefer to start with a simple head. Once I have a basic head I can go back and add more details later on like ears, eyes, hair and even the shape of the body. If you can’t draw a good head at first, then you are going to have a hard time making the entire character look good.

Step 3: Add a Simple Neck

anime girl neck drawing

Once you have a basic head for your anime girl, I like to add a simple neck to her. It is very important that you don’t go too far with the neck at first because it is hard to fix things later on if you don’t have a good base. You can make sure that your neck isn’t too long or too short by using the ruler and the length of the ruler as a guide. If you can’t use the ruler then use something else like a pencil or pen to measure how long you want your neck to be. You can also use the length of your ruler to measure how tall you want your character to be.

Step 4: Add the Body

anime girl body drawing

After you have the head and neck for your anime girl I like to add some details to her body. I like to start by drawing the arms and hands first then add her legs and feet after that. It is important that you don’t draw too much detail on the arms or body because it will make it harder for you later on to make changes in how she looks. If you can’t draw a good arm or leg at first then it will be hard for me to make them look good later on when I add more detail to them.

Step 5: Add Details to the Body

anime girl body drawing

After you have all of the basics for your anime girl, I like to add some details to her body. I always try to make sure that her body is well proportioned before drawing more detail on it. You can use the ruler for this and measure out the length of her arms and legs. After you have done this, you can go ahead and draw in her shape by using simple shapes like ovals or circles with a line inside them. It is important that you don’t draw too much detail on the arms or legs at first because it will make it harder for me to make changes later on when I draw more detail in them.

Step 6: Add Details to Her Hair

Anime girl hair drawing

When I draw the hair of my anime girl, I always start by adding two simple pieces of hair that are as wide as they are tall. I like to find a point where her head meets her neck and draw the hair there. Then I like to add more detail in the shape of her head and then to her hair. You can use any kind of shape that you want for your hair but start off by drawing simple shapes first. You can use a ruler or pen for this step if you don’t have a ruler handy.

Step 7: Add Details to Her Ears

Anime girl ear drawing

After you have added details in her body, it is time to add details in her ears. When I draw an anime girl’s ears, I like to start by drawing the shape of her head first. After I have drawn the shape of her head, I like to make sure that I have two points where the shape of her ears meets her head. Then I like to draw a circle on her head and draw a line from one point on her head to the other. If you can’t find two points on each side of your head then go ahead and draw a circle on your head and then add a line from one point on your head to the other.

Step 8: Clothing

anime girl clothing drawing

When it comes to clothing, I like to draw the clothing first because it is easier for me to make changes if I am drawing the clothes first instead of the body. You may notice that I have drawn her hair on top of her head in this image. That is because I didn’t like the way it looked so I like to draw her hair on top of her head so that it looks better. When you draw your anime girl’s clothes, you can also draw them overtop of her head so they look better.

Step 9: Finishing Touches:

When I finish drawing my anime girl, I like to make sure that I draw all of her details in so that they look good. If you can’t draw a good face at first then you are going to have a hard time making her look good later on. So try drawing a few faces before you start drawing the rest of the body. If you have any questions then just ask me in the comments below and I will try help as best as I can!

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